Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018 to 2023

The Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council’s (EMRC) Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018 to 2023  demonstrates our commitment to furthering the principles and meeting the objectives of the Disability Services Act 1993.

It is our intention to deliver facilities, services and events that are open, available and accessible to the whole community, regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender, age or any other perceived difference.

Please click on the link to download a copy of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018 to 2023 

Please click on the link to download a copy of the Disability Access and Inclusion Policy

For further information please contact:

Tel:      (08) 9224 2222

Email: mail@emrc.org.au


The Chief Executive Officer

Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council

PO Box 234, Belmont WA 6984

In person:

EMRC Administration Office

226 Great Eastern Hwy Ascot WA 6104