About the Resource Recovery Facility Project
In partnership with its five member Councils, the EMRC has been working since 2000 to develop a suitable resource recovery solution that will serve Perth's Eastern Region into the future. This is known as the Resource Recovery Project.
Aim of the Resource Recovery Project
The project will provide a more sustainable and environmentally friendly solution to managing our waste. Most importantly, it will be a solution where we can turn waste into valuable products such as compost and / or energy.
The EMRC's key objective is to have a fully operational resource recovery solution in place by 2021 which will involve a Resource Recovery Facility and / or a Resource Recovery Park.
The EMRC's Resource Recovery Project is consistent with the WA Government's Waste Strategy 2030 and its 'Towards Zero Waste' vision.
Benefits of a Resource Recovery Facility
In addition to reducing waste going to landfill, a Resource Recovery Facility has the following benefits:
Environmental Benefits
Resource recovery facilities can minimise:
- Surface and groundwater contamination;
- Odour, dust, noise and litter;
- Impacts on flora and fauna; and
- Greenhouse gas emissions
Economic Benefits
- Generate revenues from the production of compost and / or energy
- Extend the life of the EMRC's Red Hill Waste Management Facility
- Minimises the impact of increasing landfill costs and the landfill levy.
Social Benefits
- Reduce community impact of waste management on the environment
- Raise community awareness and interest in the importance of sustainable waste management.
Extensive Planning for the Resource Recovery Facility
The EMRC has undertaken extensive research on the various technology options, household waste collection systems (one, two and three bins systems) and the different site options for the facility. The EMRC has also engaged with the community using a variety of methods including attitudinal surveys, focus groups and workshops.
Some of the critical decisions to be made about the facility have been:
- What sort of facility is best for our region?
- Where is the best place in our region to site the facility?
- What is the best waste collection system that compliments the waste treatment technology?
- What is the best ownership model for the EMRC and its six member Councils?
Current Status of the Project
Environmental Approval Received
Environmental approval has been granted by the Environmental Protection Authority, as a result of the Public Environmental Review process undertaken in 2014. The approval is for a facility based at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility, using one of two technology options; anaerobic digestion or gasification.
Management Models
The EMRC is currently considering two possible management models:
Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (DBOM) - under this model, the facility would be owned by the EMRC, DBOM undertaken by Contractor
Waste Supply Agreement (WSA) - under this model, the facility would be owned and operated by the Contractor; the EMRC contracts to deliver an agreed amount of municipal solid waste for processing as one of a number of waste suppliers to the facility.
Timing of Tender
Tenders were called in August 2016 closing in January 2017. In September 2017 EMRC Council announced the preferred tender as Hitachi Zosen Inova Consortium under the WSA tender option.
Community Engagement
Community engagement has been extensive throughout the project. A key outcome of this engagement has been the development of the Community Partnership Agreement, developed in conjunction with the community in 2012, which outlines the conditions the facility must meet to safeguard community interests. The tender documentation will include the Community Partnership Agreement and tenderers will be required to implement the agreement.
Further information
For full details about the project, the extensive research and community engagement undertaken, the Public Environmental Review, click on the following links:
Timeline for Development
Project Milestones and Environmental Approvals
Technology Options
Anaerobic digestion
Community Engagement
Community Task Force
Community Partnership Agreement
For project inquiries contact:
Phone: (08) 9424 2222
Email: resourcerecovery@emrc.org.au