Garden Organics Mulch
EMRC processes the green organics to Australian Standard AS4454-2012 specification. Each batch of certified mulch must pass stringent quality tests and conform to audited processes, which guarantees a high quality and consistent product.
The composting process breaks down the organic matter, kills weed seeds and pathogens and turns the garden organic into valuable organic mulches, soil improvers and fertilisers. It is important to know that raw mulch (un-composted green waste) may contain weed seeds, diseases and plant propagules.
EMRC Mulch is commonly used by local governments in street scaping, verge and median strip beautification. Landscape material suppliers and the general public use mulch for residential gardens and parks. Rehabilitation and turf growing are also great candidates for a good quality mulch product from EMRC.
EMRC Mulch:
- protects soil from water and wind erosion
- helps to conserve water within the soil
- increases the soil's organic matter
- controls weeds
- reduces plant stress
- encourages beneficial microbes in the soil.
Using a certified composted mulch can also save you substantial time and money, as less weed management, irrigation and overall soil management is needed to maintain healthy soil.
Using the Mulch
A layer of mulch spread evenly across the soil will reduce evaporation from the soil, help control weeds, reduce erosion, add nutrients to the soil and insulate it from changing soil temperatures.
Apply mulch evenly at a thickness of about 60mm for best results. It is important to make sure that a gap (about 25mm) is left between the mulch and any plant/tree stem to avoid stem rot. Rake the surface occasionally and top-up mulch annually to the optimum thickness.
EMRC Mulch can be used in conjunction with fertilisers, soil improvers and other garden products. The mulch may contain levels of phosphorous that are not suitable for phosphorous-sensitive plants. We can provide you with a detailed product analysis to make sure that this product is the right one for your needs.
Where can I buy EMRC Mulch?
You can purchase trailer loads of EMRC mulch from the Red Hill Waste Management Facility 1094 Toodyay Road, Red Hill.
For a quote or further information, please contact the Red Hill Waste Management Facility on 08 9574 6235.