No matter the case, Share the Space!

Raising awareness around the use of shared spaces, with a focus on people with various abilities and the elderly, is the aim of the EMRC’s Share the Space campaign.
Consisting of a series of animated videos, social media advertising and other media support, Share the Space focuses on different modes of transport and addresses a number of priorities identified in the EMRC’s Regional Road Safety Plan and Regional Integrated Transport Strategy.
A study in the US showed that that disabled users are a third more likely to be injured in shared spaces. In the last year, approximately four serious gopher (mobility vehicle) accidents have occurred in Perth, resulting in the serious injury or death of a disabled person in shared spaces.
Share the Space has been designed to raise awareness around sharing paths, roads and shared spaces by using the key messages of:
- Inspiring compassion for others, particularly seniors and those with various ability.
- Improving road safety through raising awareness of behaviour in shared spaces and of the people that use them.
- Reinforcing that safety is a shared responsibility.
In addition, the campaign will highlight a number of road rules and footpath etiquette that can impact on the enjoyment and safety of people using these spaces. Particularly when we are using different transport modes, the good intentions of others can be misunderstood or demonstrate behaviour that causes confusion or frustration.
Aware, Patient and Considerate
- Let other users know you are approaching, remember to use your bell.
- Remember to be respectful and patient.
- Allow considerate space and slow down when passing someone using mobility equipment.
Mobility Equipment
- Driving mobility equipment on a shared path or nature strip.
- Motorised equipment has a maximum speed limit of 10 Km/h.
- Alert those around you of your approach.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Cyclists riding on the road can ride two abreast with 1.5m between riders and cyclists need to stay safe in pedestrian malls and near busy roads.
- Drivers can cross continuous white lines when it is safe to do so and if the driver has a clear view.
- Cyclists cannot travel less than 2m behind a vehicle for more than 200 m and when riding at night make sure that lights are working.
Staying Safe in Shared Spaces
- Pedestrian are not just people walking - they include people using mobility equipment.
- Using pedestrian crossings, and who has right of way.
- What classifies a pedestrian - young children and seniors, as well as people with prams, visual or hearing impairments, cognitive impairments and limited walking ability.