Latest Update
Project Update - April 2015
Following Ministerial approval for the Resource Recovery Facility in 2014, the EMRC is in the process of reviewing implementation options for the project.
Project Update - April 2014
On 2 April 2014, the Minister for Environment issued an Appeal Determination against the Environmental Protection Authority's report and recommendations on the proposed Resource Recovery Facility at Red Hill.
The Minister dismissed the appeal and concluded that the proposed facility can be managed to meet the EPA's objectives for the key environmental factors, air quality and amenity, provided there is satisfactory implementation by the EMRC of the recommended conditions set by the EPA.
The Minister's Appeal Determination can be accessed via the Appeals Convenor website.
Project Update - November 2013
Appeals were made against the Environmental Protection Authority's report and recommendations on the proposed Resource Recovery Facility at Red Hill.
The EMRC lodged its response to the appeals, for consideration by the Appeals Convenor.
Project Update - July 2013
On 22 July 2013, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issued its report and recommendations on the proposed Resource Recovery Facility at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility.
The report concluded that the proposed Resource Recovery Facility can be managed to meet the EPA's objectives provided that there is satisfactory implementation by the EMRC of the recommended conditions.
Project Update - March 2013
The Public Environmental Review (PER) prepared by the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) for the proposed Resource Recovery Facility at the Red Hill Waste Management Facility is still being assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), together with comments received during the public review period. The EPA's report on their assessment is expected to be issued in April 2013.
The location for the RRF was changed from Lot 12 Toodyay Road to Lot 8 Toodyay Road in November 2012 (refer to project-milestones-and-approvals), and as such, this amended proposal is being assessed by the EPA.
Project Update - September 2012
Public comment period for Public Environmental Review now closed
As part of the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) requirements to gain environmental approval for the resource recovery facility, EMRC has prepared a Public Environmental Review (PER) document to examine the environmental and health impacts associated with the two technology options proposed for the facility.
This document was available for a public review period (23 July 2012 to 17 September 2012). The public comment period has now closed.
You can still view the PER document and find out the next steps in the environmental approvals process by visiting the PER webpage.
Got a question?
Asking a question and getting a prompt answer about the Resource Recovery Project has never been easier!
EMRC has launched a 'Frequently Asked Questions' webpage. Answers to some questions from past community forums, workshops and meetings are already on the page, and more will be added over the coming months.
You can check to see if your question has already been answered by clicking on the relevant question topic, or by doing a search.
If you don't see your question on the page, it's a simple process to submit a question and have it answered by EMRC staff.
Please click here to go to the FAQ page.
Previous project updates
Previous project updates are available for downloading - please click below.
NOTE: the information contained within each document below was correct at the date of publication (listed on the file). For the most up to date project information, please refer to the latest update above or contact Project Manager, Stephen Fitzpatrick on (08) 9424 2222.
Resource Recovery Newsletter - Winter 2012
Resource Recovery Update - March 2012
Resource Recovery Update - September 2011
Resource Recovery Newsletter - Spring 2011
Resource Recovery Update - community talk - June 2011
Resource Recovery Update - April 2011
Resource Recovery Update - February 2011
Resource Recovery Update December 2010
Resource Recovery Flyer - August-September 2010
Resource Recovery Update - August 2010
Resource Recovery Update - July 2010
Resource Recovery Update - January 2010
Resource Recovery Update - September-October 2009
Resource Recovery Update - December 2008
Resource Recovery Update - June 2009