Combustion involves burning waste material in a high temperature (1000-1100C), oxygen rich environment.
The process converts all carbon and hydrogen in the waste into carbon dioxide and water (referred to as flue gas) which can be used to generate electricity and heat.
Heat generated by the combustion process can be used for community or industrial heating/cooling where opportunities exist.
The combustion process takes place in sealed vessels and within an enclosed building.
Advantages of combustion
- Reduces greenhouse gas emissions and waste going to landfill
- Commercially proven technology
- Produces a marketable product (energy and heat)
- Low risk of water pollution
- Low risk of odours
- High recovery rate of resources
- Minimal risk of health consequences
Disadvantages of combustion
- High capital and operating cost due to regulatory standards
- Plant requires a large land area
Examples of combustion facilities
Combustion facilities are widely used in Asia and Europe. For more information click on the links below:
- Four facilities in Singapore run by the National Environment Agency' facilities at Ulu Pandan, Tuas, Senoko and Tuas South. Click on the facility names for location maps.
- Several facilities in Japan including those engineered by JFE, eg Kasama, Ibaraki, Hamada and Shimane
- ASM - Brescia, Italy
- AEB - Amsterdam, Netherlands