Home Energy Audit Kit
The Home Energy Audit Kit was developed as a community resource as part of the ACER Program. The kit contains a variety of tools and information which allow residents to conduct an energy use audit of their home, and increase their understanding of energy use and sustainability.
Some of the tools in the kit include:
- PowerMate - to identify high energy consuming appliances
- Generic Thermometer - to test the temperature of hot water and fridge/freezer
- Shower Timer - to reduce shower time and test water flow rate
Kits are now available at selected libraries within Perth's Eastern Region; just like borrowing a book or DVD. The Town of Bassendean, City of Bayswater and City of Belmont have introduced kits into their main libraries.
Please contact your local council or library for more information and availability.
One of the outcomes of the kit will be the gathering of data and information which will allow EMRC and participating councils to better cater to the needs and requirements of local businesses and residents when developing information, workshops, and presentations.
If you would like more information regarding purchasing kits, please contact the Environmental Consultant (details below).
For further information please contact:
Elizabeth Jones - Urban Environment Officer
Phone: (08) 9424 2241
Email: elizabeth.jones@emrc.org.au