Share the Space

To encourage predictable and courteous behaviours and discourage distractions while walking, cycling and driving on our roads, shared paths, trails and footpaths, we are urging you to Share the Space.
The Share the Space campaign shows Stevie, who represents a typical member of the community who most of the time does the right thing. But sometimes Stevie needs a little help sharing the space. Three short videos show Stevie in different scenarios that we all have experienced from time to time and identifies behaviours that can help reduce conflicts and safety issues, including:
- Ringing your bicycle's bell when overtaking pedestrians
- Walking on the left hand side of shared paths and trails
- Turning on your lights at night, in dim lighting and fog
- Giving way to pedestrians when turning at "parallel crossings"
- Avoiding being distracted while driving
- Avoiding using mobile phones while walking near roads
- Avoiding using headphones while walking or cycling
- Paying attention when backing out of driveways
- Walking your dog on a short lead and on the left hand side of busy shared paths and trails
- Allowing plenty of room when overtaking cyclists
- Cyclists slowing down on busy shared paths and trails
- Cyclists moving to single file to allow other road users to overtake, when it is safe to do so.
Share the Space - Be Predictable
Share the Space - Avoid Distraction
Share the Space - Being Courteous
To help us all enjoy walking, cycling and driving in Perth, we encourage you to talk about these road rules and footpath etiquette and help us all share the space.
This campaign is brought to you by the EMRC and its member Councils in partnership with the Town of Cambridge, City of Cockburn and City of Vincent.
Other tips to Share the Space
WestCycle, the peak body for cycling and bicycle riding in Western Australia, have produced series of Best Practice Guides to Cycling.
The Best Practice Guides do not outline road rules - they communicate principles that you won't find in a rulebook and it is hoped that they are widely adopted within the cycling community.

For further information please contact:
Wendy Harris - Chief Sustainability Officer