EMRC Travel Card reveals present and future commuter patterns in Perth’s Eastern Region

Published on Wednesday, 1 July 2020 at 3:36:00 PM

The opportunity to plan for future transport needs in and out of Perth’s Eastern Region is provided in a Travel Card report, released today by the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC).

The EMRC’s Travel Card provides a detailed picture of the daily movement of people into and out of Perth’s Eastern Region. Data used to compile the Travel Card shows that the highest number of people commute out of Perth’s Eastern Region predominantly to the City of Perth, followed by the cities of Stirling and Canning. The movement of people into the region is mostly from the cities of Stirling, Wanneroo and Gosnells.

EMRC Chief Sustainability Officer Wendy Harris said: ‘The Travel Card provides an insight into the daily movements of people into and out of Perth’s Eastern Region. In turn, this enables us to understand future infrastructure needs based on the volumes of people moving in and out of the region.

‘Analysis of travel patterns indicates the trips made for work as well as daily visits to and from the region. For example, the number of people travelling between the City of Stirling and the Perth’s Eastern Region are high; from this, we can infer that further development of infrastructure or public transport will benefit the region.’

Besides the movement in and out of the region, the Travel Card also gives an indication of the travel needs of the local working population, which increased from 46.5 % in 2011 to 47.4% in 2016. The figures indicate the number of people travelling to work from Perth’s Eastern Region by car is predominantly high, distantly followed by public transport.
The Travel Card was presented to the EMRC’s Regional Integrated Transport Strategy Implementation Advisory Group, representing a broad section of Western Australia’s transport planning authorities including the EMRC, all six of EMRC’s member Councils, Department of Transport, Main Roads Western Australia, Public Transport Authority, Department of Planning, Perth Airport, Westcycle, Western Australian Road Transport Association, Road Safety Commission, RAC, and the Western Australian Local Government Association.

All the data used for the Travel Card is from 2016 Australian Bureau of Statistics Census.

The 2020 Travel Card is available for download from https://www.emrc.org.au/regional-services/regional-development/integrated-transport.aspx


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