The EMRC is keen to work with the community to understand community values and bring those values into the planning process.
In 2010, to facilitate community input into the Resource Recovery Facility project, the EMRC established a Community Task Force. The main role of the Taskforce was to guide the creation of the Community Partnership Agreement, which documents the community's requirements for how the facility will operate so that its impacts on community amenity are minimised. The Community Partnership Agreement provides a checklist for monitoring performance of the facility and it will be incorporated into the tender documents to ensure the community's views are addressed by the contractor. The Community Task Force will also provide community input into review of the tender evaluation criteria.
Community Task Force members have brought community input from their own local community links and used feedback from a community forum held in September 2010 to prepare the Community Partnership Agreement.
The Community Task Force is currently in recess.
In April 2011 EMRC sought regional community comment on the draft CPA. The resulting feedback from community was considered and the CPA was adjusted where the CTF thought this was necessary.
The work of creating the CPA involved identification of values to be protected; outcomes the facility should deliver to protect those values; actions the operator should be asked or required to take in relation to the outcomes identified; and how the community would be kept informed about adherence to the CPA.To download a copy of the Community Partnership Agreement, please click on the link below.
Community Partnership Agreement - August 2011
Minutes of past Community Task Force meetings are available here:
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 14 July 2016 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 14 June 2011 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 3 May 2011 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 15 March 2011 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 1 February 2011 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 2 November 2010 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 28 September 2010 Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 24 August 2010
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 14 July 2016
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 14 June 2011
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 3 May 2011
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 15 March 2011
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 1 February 2011
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 2 November 2010
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 28 September 2010
Meeting Minutes - Community Task Force - 24 August 2010